Greetings Sister...

Are you ready to dive deep into the mystical realm of the Yoniverse and uncover the hidden wisdom of your yoni? 🌹🧙🏼‍♀️

We are thrilled to invite you to our exclusive three-part (DIY) mini course where you'll gain access to some of the most coveted trainings within the Portal Priestess Mystery School.

Here's what you'll get as part of this special invitation:

🔮 Exclusive Viewing: Gain privileged access to the "Secrets of the Yoniverse" video, a captivating exploration of the sacred teachings that lie within our mystery school. This video is an eye-opening revelation and alchemical process that will leave you in awe and wonder of the unique and divine design of your majestic flower.

Sacred Practices: We are delighted to offer you a sneak peek into some of our sacred practices within the mystery school. You'll discover a new way of seeing your sacred flower and the natural world around you… giving you an awakened perspective that will help you shed any negative conditioning about your yoni. 

 📝 Journaling Exploration: Unleash your creative expression and dive into the depths of self-discovery through journaling exercises. These practices will empower you to reflect, heal, and gain profound insights about your personal relationship with your yoni. 

🔒 Privacy and Safety: We understand that exploring intimate subjects can sometimes feel timid or intimidating. That's why our mini course provides a safe and private environment for you to access and practice at your own pace. This is a self-guided mini-course delivered to you via email over a period of 7 days. Embrace this opportunity as a secure access point to your personal growth and empowerment.

Are you ready to awaken into a new level of connection, inspiration, healing, and enlightenment around your Sacred Portal of Life?

Fill out the form below and get started on this transformative journey.

This is a unique opportunity and it's up to you to decide if you're ready to embrace it. By immersing yourself in these teachings, you'll tap into an energetic shift that can ripple through all aspects of your life. Join a growing community of women who have harnessed this power and witnessed profound transformations in their own lives.

This offering is 100% free to participate in and is open to any human who has a physical vulva and is looking to create a more empowered and magical connection to this part of your body.     

See you on the other side.


Sierra Sullivan & Kimberly Laverdure
The Portal Priestess Temple Keepers
